Life at Camphill MK
Life at Camphill MK

Life at Camphill MK

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities is a community for adults with learning disabilities and autism. We are a supported living provider, and our service is built around community living.

Residents at Camphill MK have their own rooms, share communal spaces and sign independent tenancy agreements.

Our community ethos means that we share meals and activities within our houses and the Camphill community.

We really are an inclusive community!

Camphill MK Community

Between two and thirteen residents share our houses which are situated on two different sites in Willen and Pennyland. Some provide a sleep-in cover, while others do not require sleep-in staff. A couple of our houses are more independent and receive floating support.

Before anyone begins working with the residents, they have to receive induction training.

For the residents, as for everyone involved, it is a life-enhancing experience to live with people from different countries who can share something of their own culture, language, cuisine and outlook on life.

“I love living here, it gives me great joy. I enjoy the friendships, I’m happy when things go well, even though we have some ups and downs.” Resident Thomas C.

We also offer a variety of workshops which include horticulture in our gardens, food production and sales in our bakery and thriving vegetarian café and wholefood shop. We also run arts & craft workshops which include weaving, ceramics, art & craft, and textiles; we have a tools refurbishment project, as well as a technology and journalism workshop, and a theatre workshop focusing on music and drama.

“I like being more independent, being close to my friends and while maintaining close bonds with my family. I love my workshops – the bakery and crafts are my favourite! I have made many friends in Camphill, people are friendly and help each other all the time. The community is like one big family, even though we don’t always get on with everybody all the time.”

Resident Liam D.

Read about life here at CMKC in our Humans of Camphill series, a collection of interviews with residents from our Blog.

cardboard house construction

Cardboard House Construction

It’s not just the architects, engineers and contractors who are currently bustling around Camphill MK. Our community showcases many talents, from baking to weaving, gardening

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Camphill Resident Interview

Interview with Lucie P

Our Newsletter Workshop aims to bring you a series of interviews with new members of our community!These interviews will be recorded as soundtracks for Camphill

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A Poet in Our Midst

Our new resident, Lucie, is very talented at writing poetry. Here we aim to publish and highlight her writing on our blog, but before we

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During the week the residents are very active. Some go to college or work outside the community, while many choose to attend CMKC workshops and work there regularly.

In the evenings and at weekends there is time for sharing a wide range of activities and interests. Some residents like to make their own arrangements, while others need a bit of help.

Many of the residents spend their evening in the social room – a space for games, conversation, watching TV together, refreshments and so on.





The residents of Camphill MK have chosen to live in this intentional community. They share festivals, concerts, outings, parties, sports and events of all kinds; they create plays, make music, give talks.  

These activities bring everyone together as a community.