The Good City Project

Last year, a group of us took part in the Good City project organised by the City Discovery Centre and MK Council.

The Project

“In 2023, Milton Keynes grows ever bigger and welcomes more new residents. The Good City project aims to use The Plan for Milton Keynes to introduce local residents to the original design principles of the new city. It hopes to foster an understanding and appreciation of the designed city to help residents make informed decisions about the future. The project will provide wider access to the master plan, create conversations around the successes and failures of Milton Keynes, and inspire stakeholders to think about what they feel is important to retain.”

As active participants, we took a deep dive into the development of Milton Keynes over the past four decades. We shared our valuable insights, discussing what went well, what we liked, and what we envisioned for the future.

We gathered at the Cruck Barn, Bradwell Abbey, to mark the end of this remarkable journey. Ali, Alex, Liam, and Guimin were among the participants who witnessed the culmination of our efforts. The organisers, in their commitment to inclusivity, gathered feedback from various community groups and presented it through engaging mediums such as posters, displays, slideshows, and newsletters.

Categories Camphill life/Milton Keynes/News/Residents

Post Author: Alicja McCarthy

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738