Camphill Flag Project
Our Arts & Crafts Workshop worked on the Camphill Flag Project for the Festival of Camphill. They designed and made a series of Batik silk flags for the opening ceremony and to decorate our grounds. These flags also featured in the Newport Pagnell Carnival and created lovely borders for our carnival float!
Our participants started designing and creating images based on the theme of ‘angels’, inspired by the Camphill Milton Keynes logo. The designs were collated together to form bigger flag designs. Residents’ images were scaled up and drawn onto large pieces of paper. Each of the flags had their own set of individual designs. These pieces of paper then became the templates for creating Batik silk flags. Batik uses hot wax to form shapes, lines and crackled textures. Colour is then added to fill in areas and colours can bleed into each other to create different effects. This process is done on silk, and special silk paints are used. Everybody worked together, and it was a real team effort to make them. It really brought a lot of colour to this lovely community event.