Fitness 4 All

This week we’ve been getting very festive but we’ve also not forgotten to keep ourselves fit. Thanks to Natalie, who ran a Fit 4 All taster session, the whole community – including residents, staff & volunteers got involved. It was so much fun!

MK Marathon

Just a week to go until our co-worker Max runs the MK Marathon! What an amazing feat to run, for the first time ever, 26 miles! We’re supporting Max and all the other runners, including our ex-coworker Anna S. all the way and wish them the best of luck with training.

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738