Volunteers of Camphill – Joan H.
We hear from Joan H., lifelong volunteer of Camphills all over the world, about what it has meant to her to devote her life to other people in the pursuit of wellness through music and performance.
We want to thank Joan, from the bottom of our hearts, for all she has done and continues to do for us!
“I have been in Camphill MK Communities since 1995. My first experience of the Camphill movement was in New York while I was attending the Anthroposophical Youth Seminar in Spring Valley. We took the play of ‘Antigone’ to Kimberton Farm Community in Pennsylvania. I was impressed by the houses we entered which smelled of freshly baked bread, the gardens which grew their food, and the music room. There was a birthday list posted on the refrigerator. It struck me as such a personal thing to have everyone know about a birthday outside just one’s own family. I was totally amazed that people lived in communities like this. I started my eurythmy training with the vague idea that someday I might live in such a place and do therapeutic eurythmy.
When I completed my 4-year training in eurythmy, I went to Germany to the Adalbert Stifter Camphill near the Lake of Constance. I was deeply impressed when one of the older first generation Camphillers said, “One thing for certain about Camphill is that it changes.”
I then moved around different Camphills, from Coleg Elidyr, the Welsh Camphill to William Morris Camphill. And even when not living in the communities, I always felt connected and ran music workshops in various Camphills. Then on the invitation of Morwenna Bucknall, I came to Milton Keynes, finally finishing my training in curative eurythmy.
I have always been most impressed by the seasonal festivities in Camphill. They give an impetus to creativity and working and playing together. My best experiences have been in doing musicals and plays with residents and co-workers – and most recently with employees and staff being involved too”.
(As told to Guimin M. and the Newsletter & Tech Lab Workshops Group)