Volunteers of Camphill – Brittany A.
Today marks the beginning of Volunteer Week and we continue to celebrate our volunteers. We hear from Brittany A., and resident Lee S. about the impact their efforts have on our community.
We want to thank Brittany for her time, her skills and her sense of humour! 😉
Brittany A. – Volunteer
I’m in my second year of the Animal Studies programme at Moulton College. I started volunteering with Camphill MK Communities over a year ago because they offer me opportunities to gain valuable experiences and skills that will help me with my career development in the future. The experience opens my eyes to how the real world is outside my studies and also helps me to learn how to communicate with people with different personalities and abilities. I love to see all the residents when I come to the workshops and spend time with them exploring things, especially with Lee S. whom I often help to research various subjects and write articles about them. I find it rewarding to help people and would recommend CMKC to other volunteers.
Lee S. – Resident
Brittany has helped to develop my confidence and writing skills. She helps me write my newsletter articles, e.g. helping with my spelling, grammar and paragraphs. As well as helping me with the tea breaks, I also enjoy playing Connect 4 with her. She helps me to research during my free time too, about my favourite characters from Only Fools and Horses. I enjoy having Brittany helping in the Newsletter Workshop because she is a nice person and has a good sense of humour. She comes to help at Camphill in her own time, and we want to thank you for your hard work!
(As told to Guimin M. and the Newsletter & Tech Lab Workshops Group)