Volunteers of Camphill – Norman T.
We’re celebrating our volunteers in the run-up to Volunteers’ Week and want to recognise their selfless contribution in giving up their time and skills to improve the lives of others.
Here’s Norman T’s experience as a volunteer, his work has been invaluable to our community and we want to thank him!
“My name is Norman T., and I have been volunteering at Camphill MK Communities for three years. When I retired, I wanted to do something that would help other people and that I would also enjoy. I like driving, so I called CMKC to ask if they needed a volunteer qualified minibus driver. I filled in the forms, obtained the necessary references and DBS check then Miguel took me out in the minibus to assess my driving.
I think I must have been okay as since 2015 I’ve driven residents and co-workers to Newport Pagnell swimming pool and to the Gym in Bletchley. I have also driven some residents home for Christmas and summer holidays. The first time I drove the 370 miles to North Yorkshire, the AA had to come and rescue us because the car broke down, that was quite a day! I have also driven the group to Kent and Rutland Water for a Cycle Challenge, Stoke Bruerne, Warwick Castle and even Stratford upon Avon.
I really enjoy volunteering with CMKC, and it’s hard to pick the best experience, but when I drove Emi F. and the residents to a pottery workshop at Delrow, I also got the opportunity to make a coil pot, and it was the first time I’d done any pottery! I have learnt other things too, Lidia M. has shown me how to prune the fruit trees in my garden.
I think Camphill is a very rewarding place to volunteer; volunteers are part of the community, and everyone is very friendly”.
(As told to Guimin M. and the Newsletter & Tech Lab Workshops)