
Autism Acceptance Week Logo Competition Winner Announced

We came together to raise awareness for Autism during Autism Acceptance Week.

We invited all creative minds to participate in our Autism Acceptance Week Logo Redesign Competition, where they had the chance to reimagine our logo to symbolise the spirit of Autism Awareness.

We had so many amazing entries! Which we shared far and wide and let you decide on the winner. The design with the most votes was declared the winner at our Spectrum Soiree Silent Disco and the winning designer received a £10 Café voucher.

Here is the winning entry by 28 year old Taylor Green.

Taylor is a day service user who also supports the Theatre Group as part of her day opportunities. Taylor told us, “My Artwork picture is inspired by a bird spreading out its wings to fly to show how autism awareness shows people that they have the courage to be themselves, to fly with their own wings, and to love who they are!”

A huge well done to Taylor for her inspiring take on the Camphill logo to represent Autism Awareness. This creative spin really captures the importance of being yourself and embracing the differences each individual has.

We want to thank everyone who took part in our logo redesign competition. It’s been amazing to see the community and the wider community sending in entries and getting involved in a cause so near and important to us here at Camphill. Autism Awareness is a movement that brings positive change to the broader community. To every one of you who got involved, thank you! Coming together to recognise the importance of being autism-aware represents the power we hold when we come together to support positive change within our community. Let’s keep the drive going as we continue the journey towards greater understanding and inclusivity for those with Autism.

Here are all the entries! We hope you love them as much as we do.

Categories Arts & Crafts/Autism/Camphill life/Learning Disabilities/News

Post Author: Alicja McCarthy

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000

Email:  office@camphillmk.co.uk

Camphill Café: 01908 308738