Head Gardener Apr 24

We’re Recruiting a Head Gardener!

We are seeking to employ a Head Gardener (Day Opportunities Workshop Coordinator) to lead our fantastic team of horticulturists. You will have a passion for environmentally friendly and therapeutic horticulture activity and have experience managing green spaces and edible plant production. Working with a dynamic group of people with mixed ability to maintain and develop...

camphill mk gardens

Polytunnel Progress

Check out our polytunnel project work-in-progress time-lapse video capturing the progress of the structure over the past weeks. The polytunnel is still under construction, and we’re months off completion, but we want to show you the progress so far! The ground preparation was the hardest bit by far, with the garden team de-turfing the paddock...

apple theft at camphill mk

Apple Theft at Camphill MK

As most of you will know, for over 40 years, our charity has grown its own fruit and vegetables to feed our 70 residents.  Our residents who live across sites at Willen Park and Pennyland select from various daily workshops and activities, offering them meaning and purpose in their daily lives.  Many residents participate in...


Our New Rock Garden

The garden team completed a new rock garden in the paddock! The project was built from scratch from a flat weedy ground, collecting stones from our Willen site and a lucky donation found on Freecycle. We used our own rubble first to make the base of the rockery and carefully placed the rocks effectively and...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000

Email:  office@camphillmk.co.uk

Camphill Café: 01908 308738