Hear Our Call - A Play in a Week

Hear Our Call – A Play in a Week

After successfully collaborating with the performing arts group Act Out & Act Up last year, they returned to the Chrysalis MK theatre for another action-packed and drama-filled play-in-a-week project with our Centre Stage performing arts group.  Hear Our Call was a play created in just one week, with participants completing a plot, characters, devised script, and props...

Music and Storytelling Workshop

Room at Our Table Song

Our Wednesday Music and Storytelling Workshop has been hard at work creating a new folk song! We asked the group what was most important to them about Camphill, and the ideas came thick and fast. So not only did we manage to write the song in a day, but we also managed to record a...

12th Nite Camphill MK production

12th Nite Production Success!

Did you come along to watch our production of 12th Nite at the Chrysalis MK? If not, you missed out on a great show! And if you did, thank you, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! For both nights, the seat were full and we even got a standing ovation! We...

Residents Stage 12th Nite

Download your 12th Nite programme and script here: Programme and Script On the 3rd & 4th February 2023, the residents of Camphill MK will perform for you a ‘Punked Panto’ – their steam-punk version of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. 12th Nite will be performed in the Chrysalis Theatre to the general public over two nights. The...

Theatre Coordinator job

Recruiting Bank Theatre Duty Coordinator

The Chrysalis Theatre, part of the Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, is expanding its hire of the various room and renting them out to external users.We’re recruiting for a Bank Theatre Duty Coordinator who will be responsible for the building, supporting the team and ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for our artists, customers, students, and...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000

Email:  office@camphillmk.co.uk

Camphill Café: 01908 308738