The Disappearing Castle panto

The Disappearing Castle Panto

We thoroughly enjoyed The Disappearing Castle panto by our Performing Arts Workshop (PAW).They presented a brilliant pantomime—a hilarious play with witty jokes kick-starting the festive season. The Disappearing Castle was written by Andrew Mooney, one of our creative writing and centre-stage participants. It was the first time one of our participants had written a full-length...

Performing Arts Workshop (PAW) Support Worker

We’re Recruiting for a Performing Arts Workshop Support Worker

Do you have a passion for performing arts and the ability to work as part of a creative team within a day opportunity setting for adults with learning difficulties and autism? Based at our beautiful Chrysalis Theatre MK, the ideal candidate should be able to share their skills and experience to support people with a...

Our Neighbour Thor: A Sibling Saga Play Success

Congratulations to all on an outstanding performance of ‘Our Neighbour Thor: A Sibling Saga‘, a multidisciplinary production, at The Chrysalis MK Theatre. The collaborative project was a huge undertaking, and seeing the fruits of everyone’s labour was lovely. The puppets and props were charming, even the scary ones. The actors exuded confidence, and it was...

Puppet Play

Our Neighbour Thor: A Sibling Saga Play – Friday 14th June

Join us for ‘Our Neighbour Thor: A Sibling Saga’, a multi-disciplinary performance, on Friday 14th June at The Chrysalis Theatre.  ‘Our Neighbour Thor: A Sibling Saga’ is not just a puppet play, it’s a unique visual art performance crafted by the talented residents of Camphill MK. This collaborative masterpiece is the result of three diverse...

My Neighbour Totoro

My Neighbour Totoro at the Barbican Theatre

We were thrilled to travel to London to see My Neighbour Totoro at the Barbican Theatre. The show was produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company and included puppets made by the Jim Henson workshop. We were lucky to have the opportunity to do a touch tour before watching the show. On the touch tour, we got to go...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738