Our Continued Commitment to Environmental Sustainability
At Camphill MK, we have Solar PV installed on the roofs above the Chrysalis Theatre and some of our houses. As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we were pleased to partner with Wolverton Community Energy back in 2016 to make it happen. They coordinated the installation and continue to “rent” our rooftops. As a result, we get a better tariff for our electricity. The surplus (we generate more than we use!) is used by Wolverton Community Energy to help people experiencing fuel poverty.
The (impressive) numbers
Over six years, a whopping 154,445kg of CO2 emissions have been avoided (25,700 kg on average per year). That’s the equivalent of drinking 15,506,000 cups of tea or watching TV constantly for over 350 years from the sun’s energy since installation.
We’ve also planted 100 trees thanks to Queen’s Green Canopy that will take several years to mature to add a further 2,500kg (100 x 25 kg). A fully grown tree absorbs 10-40kg per year, say average 25kg – our panels, the equivalent of ONE THOUSAND TREES every year.
This shows the effect of alternative power options – this planet will need a combination of solutions to survive, but we must continue to be aware and do all we can to save energy and be efficient (go cyclists!).