Garden Vacancy

Hiring Garden Day Opportunities Support Worker

We are looking to recruit a full-time Garden Day Opportunities Support Worker to work in our extensive gardens. Supporting residents to care and maintain the green elements of our site and to nurture existing and new horticulture activities through environmentally kind gardening methods.  You will support the resident, and volunteer team and provide high quality...

Camphill MK Explorers

Explorers Workshop

Our Explorers Workshop offers a six week course exploring the local area with a focus on environment, cultural and inclusive subjects. Our service users with leadning a disabilities and special mobility needs are able to research new routes and test new and old services to understand how user friendly they are. The workshop also studies...

Camphill Resident Interview

Interview with Lucie P

Our Newsletter Workshop aims to bring you a series of interviews with new members of our community!These interviews will be recorded as soundtracks for Camphill Radio and for publishing on our social channels. This week, we bring you an interview of our new workshop member Lucie P. who recently moved into Whitethorn house. She has...

Camphill MK Recruitment

We are Recruiting!

We have several great new vacancies and are looking for fantastic individuals to join our team as Day Opportunities Support Workers. We are looking for for a Care and Support Coordinator and dedicated individuals for our Artisan Bakery, Tools Refurbishment and Upcycling Workshop So, if you want to be part of a unique Community for...

Donate musical instruments

Storytelling and Music

We have started a new Drama Group for our service users called ‘Storytelling and Music’.  Its a group for self-expression, telling stories and fun. We are now on the lookout for hand-held musical percussion instruments (both tuned and untuned) to add to the collection in order to support our lovely residents! If you have any...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738