Camphill Resident Interview

Interview with Lucie P

Our Newsletter Workshop aims to bring you a series of interviews with new members of our community!
These interviews will be recorded as soundtracks for Camphill Radio and for publishing on our social channels.

This week, we bring you an interview of our new workshop member Lucie P. who recently moved into Whitethorn house. She has a range of excellent skills and is a very talented young budding poet. Her poetry has been published on various online platforms.

This interview is conducted by Lee S, Amy B, Joe, Alex F and Amy P.

Listen on to find out more.

Categories Blog/Camphill life/News/Newsletter/Resident Interviews/Residents/Tech Lab/Workshops

Post Author: Alicja McCarthy

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738