Polytunnel Progress
Check out our polytunnel project work-in-progress time-lapse video capturing the progress of the structure over the past weeks.
The polytunnel is still under construction, and we’re months off completion, but we want to show you the progress so far!
The ground preparation was the hardest bit by far, with the garden team de-turfing the paddock area and then levelling it up. It took us weeks to do that, by using our tractor and then with the help of everyone covering the surface with woodchips to level it up. We had to brush up on our mathematics, and using Euclid’s theorem, we measured the 22 foundation posts. Then we embarked on digging out the 22 holes, which needed to be very deep to ensure structure stability, before finally putting down our anchor plate. The final part of this phase involved placing all the metal loops, which was also a big challenge.
Well done to the gardens team! They have achieved so much.
And big thanks to the National Open Garden Scheme for funding the project!
Stay tuned in for more updates to come!