Stuart’s Sir Cliff Richard’s Fan Embroidery
Over the last few months, our resident Stuart has been creating some fantastic embroideries inspired by the pop sensation Sir Cliff Richard!
Our Day Services Support Worker, Jessica & team sent some photos of the work to Sir Cliff’s official fan club and received some lovely feedback. We heard back from Tania, Sir Cliff’s PA, who spoke to the star and had this to say about Stuart’s embroidery,
“Sir Cliff was delighted to see Stuart’s fabulous embroidery and thanks him and you for bringing it to his attention – he thinks Stuart has great taste! What a talent.
It’s great to see the hard work and time Stuart has clearly spent on his embroidery, and that takes huge perseverance and dedication, so congratulations to him, and thanks to you and your team for supporting Stuart and his peers in such projects.”
Stuart was obviously delighted with Sir Cliff’s response!