Boyzlife concert

Wish Fish Wishes Come True

We recently launched the Wish Fish campaign for our residents to make their wishes come true.

Our resident Jane’s Fish Wish was to see Westlife and Brian. Our staff made it come true when she and Tracey saw their favourite band members, Brian and Keith, at a Boyzlife concert!

Like many older individuals living with Down Syndrome, Jane’s cognition has changed over time, and her memory and understanding are sometimes not what they once were. Therefore links to her past and things that have been meaningful to her life become even more significant and powerful. By supporting her to attend, she hasn’t just had her wish come true, but dopamine often slows down the effects of cognitive decline and dementia – creating meaningful experiences in this way has significant health benefits too.

Huge thanks to Thelma and Cheryl for assisting our residents at the concert and to those who helped to organise the very special evening.

A new wish comes true every day, and we love to see it!

Categories Camphill life/Events & Celebrations/Live concert/News/Residents/Staff & Volunteers

Post Author: Alicja McCarthy

Charity no.283556

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