The Disappearing Castle panto

The Disappearing Castle Panto

We thoroughly enjoyed The Disappearing Castle panto by our Performing Arts Workshop (PAW).They presented a brilliant pantomime—a hilarious play with witty jokes kick-starting the festive season. The Disappearing Castle was written by Andrew Mooney, one of our creative writing and centre-stage participants. It was the first time one of our participants had written a full-length...

12th Nite Camphill MK production

12th Nite Production Success!

Did you come along to watch our production of 12th Nite at the Chrysalis MK? If not, you missed out on a great show! And if you did, thank you, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! For both nights, the seat were full and we even got a standing ovation! We...

camphill mk resident panto

Residents Panto – Royalty, Roundabouts & Capers at Camphill MK

Our Residents Panto – Royalty, Roundabouts & Capers was a fantastic production! Commissioned by the Arts & Heritage Alliance, theatre practitioner, Sam Munday-Webb worked with our service users & staff for several months to create a summer-time Panto to get us back into the performing spirit. Sam worked with us to write a script, and...

Peter Pan Panto

1702 Productions are bringing Peter Pan the Panto to The Chrysalis Theatre, Milton Keynes in 2021! Collect your faith, trust and pixie dust – follow the second star on the right, and straight on ’til morning – because magic awaits you in Neverland! Starring CJ de Mooi, Steve Hewlett as Mr Smee & Lucy Rose...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738