Camphill Flag Project

Camphill Flag Project

Our Arts & Crafts Workshop worked on the Camphill Flag Project for the Festival of Camphill. They designed and made a series of Batik silk flags for the opening ceremony and to decorate our grounds. These flags also featured in the Newport Pagnell Carnival and created lovely borders for our carnival float! Our participants started...

Stuart's Cliff embroidery

Stuart’s Sir Cliff Richard’s Fan Embroidery

Over the last few months, our resident Stuart has been creating some fantastic embroideries inspired by the pop sensation Sir Cliff Richard!  Our Day Services Support Worker, Jessica & team sent some photos of the work to Sir Cliff’s official fan club and received some lovely feedback. We heard back from Tania, Sir Cliff’s PA,...

felt art works

Felt Creations Inspired by Artist Angie Lewin

Some of our residents have recently participated in a felting project in the Art and Craft workshop. The project was inspired by the work of artist Angie Lewin, a printmaker who creates colourful and intricately patterned designs of natural forms.  We shared our creations with Angie, who kindly wrote: ‘Thank you so much for sending...

MKBAA Awards

Camphill MK Wins MKBAA Award

We are proud to have won the Milton Keynes Business Achievement Awards for Arts & Culture.  It was a rather glamorous evening at the MK Don’s Stadium. A few Camphill staff and Trustees attended, and we are all proud to represent Camphill at the event.   This year’s theme for the event was ‘Celebrating Diversity’, announced earlier this...

camphill mk tapestry

Queen Bee Tapestry

Camphill MK has been a hive of activity these past few weeks celebrating & creating. And to mark the return of the bees at Camphill MK and honour the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we made a large tapestry featuring lots of bees. The community-wide project used individually designed and hand-stitched bee-inspired squares to make the project...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000


Camphill Café: 01908 308738