Camphill Resident Interview

Interview with Lucie P

Our Newsletter Workshop aims to bring you a series of interviews with new members of our community!These interviews will be recorded as soundtracks for Camphill Radio and for publishing on our social channels. This week, we bring you an interview of our new workshop member Lucie P. who recently moved into Whitethorn house. She has...

Camphill MK Recruitment

We are Recruiting!

We have several great new vacancies and are looking for fantastic individuals to join our team as Day Opportunities Support Workers. We are looking for for a Care and Support Coordinator and dedicated individuals for our Artisan Bakery, Tools Refurbishment and Upcycling Workshop So, if you want to be part of a unique Community for...

Camphill MK - Not you average employer

Camphill MK – Not Your Average Employer

We want to shine a light on the wonderful staff of Camphill MK. We also want to highlight how we, as a charity, a care provider and an employer, ensure that our crucial team achieve their goals by endeavouring to support them all the way. As a result, we’ve been speaking to our staff, some...

Donate musical instruments

Storytelling and Music

We have started a new Drama Group for our service users called ‘Storytelling and Music’.  Its a group for self-expression, telling stories and fun. We are now on the lookout for hand-held musical percussion instruments (both tuned and untuned) to add to the collection in order to support our lovely residents! If you have any...

A Poet in Our Midst

Our new resident, Lucie, is very talented at writing poetry. Here we aim to publish and highlight her writing on our blog, but before we do, here’s a little bit about her. Living with Cerebral Palsy, Lucie faces many challenges in daily life, but her ability to create and write is not one of them....